And they saw the comfortable boxes, his idyllic gardens and his welcome village all, from canvas to commemorative panels. The “Light painter” Thomas Kinkade shot both in the 90’s, to be popular in the 90s, marketing to American evangelicals and adapting against elite art. But, under the seamless public, there were demons that would lead him to alcoholism, scandal and death through an overdose in 2012. After his death, Kinkad’s daughters discovered a lot of invisible paintings, unexpectedly dark, a discovery that introduced an investigation of the true personality of her father. Due to the voices of skeptical critics, revered fans and Kinkades, the closest friends and family digs the art for everyone in Kinkad’s life and works to educate the true man behind the person. The directorial debut of Miranda Youousef is a revealing documentary that retreats the layers of the Kinkades facade and offers a portrait of a complex man who is shared by the same forces that continue to detach us as a nation.
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